Accessing Creative Flow with Zen Yoga

Every soul is born with a desire to create. Art is expressive, it unlocks and reveals our unique Self. Art can bring about profound healing on all levels of our being and unlock inner dimensions of untapped power.

Art is good for your soul.

We know this because whatever art form we practice, be it painting with acrylics; sculpting metal; turning wood; chanting; dancing;   photography or playing a musical instrument, there are times when we  enter into a zone or flow where our mind and body become one. We move beyond thought, and our physicality becomes a vehicle of pure expression in the present moment.

This experience is usually accompanied by a feeling of release and or bliss.

Accessing Creative Flow allows us precious moments of just being. This is what we aim to achieve and happens naturally when we practice yoga and meditation regularly. Zen Yoga is an art, and can be practised to open up a channel for Creative Flow.

Many artists periodically experience obstructions or blocks which inhibit creative flow. This can be extremely frustrating and can often lead to a deep dissatisfaction with life, a state of being which can negatively impact our self worth. These blocks need to identified and shifted. They have a propensity for creating struggle and disharmony in other areas of our life, such as our home environment, relationships and our health. This is why regular practice of Zen Yoga is beneficial for artists, but it is not exclusively beneficial for artists…it is for everybody.

Every being has a reservoir of unrealised potential. The way we live, breathe, dream and express ourselves physically and mentally is an art form. Every body is an artist in his or her own way.

Following this post I will be introducing some of Zen Yoga’s artists, sharing their art, views and experiences of accessing creative flow through their personal practice of Zen Yoga.

Peace, bliss and unhindered creative flow,

Elfeya Hoopes


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  1. Pingback: Creative Flow with Carla Bottalla | Zen Yoga - Breathe, Move, Relax

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